Monday, March 25, 2013

times flies when you're...busy?

So it's been a month since my last post. I'd love to say that so many things have changed, that I have exciting news, etc, but unfortunately I'm currently playing the waiting game.

I have 5 weeks until my pinning (graduation) ceremony. Last week was my spring break, which I spent responsibly by finishing all the papers and care plans and case studies left for the semester. It was rough, but I'm so glad I did it, because guess what? Now it's done.

So I have 2 regular exams and 3 quizzes before finals. Then we have the comprehensive finals from the supplemental textbook company we use, plus a comprehensive-comprehensive final that will cover the entire program. The latter is supposed to determine our readiness to pass state boards.

I've had a job interview and am currently awaiting results. I'm torn on whether I want the job or not. A few more job-related things are in the works, but the hospitals aren't getting around to their new grads until end of April, maybe beginning of May.

So I wait.

Meanwhile, my writing life is whizzing along. Current WIP is so much fun to write; I think it's my favorite thing I've written to date. It's also turning out to be surprisingly short, mostly due to the extremely quick pace (I think). I'm guessing this one's going to ring the bell around 70k. My last 2 novels were just a little shy of 100k each...

My puppy got to swim for the first time last weekend. It was adorable.


How are you?


Old Kitty said...

Good luck with the job applications and the exams! Sounds hectic and intense! But you'll do great!! Yay!

So glad that your writing is going brilliantly too!!

Hope you have a great Easter! I can't wait for the long Easter weekend coming up!

Awww your puppy is adorable! Take care

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Time flies when you're having fun!

Unpublished Life said...

Hi there, well it sounds like you have been much more productive in your month 'off' from blogging than I have been - blogging:)

Good luck with all the job hunting and if you have the luxury of holding out for something that you really want (not all of us can I'm afraid to say) then do it. There is nothing worse than being unhappy in your work life.

Is your life a little like Grey's Anatomy?? Don't ruin the dream:)

Have a good rest of your week!

DL Hammons said...

The waiting game is not fun to play at all! :)

Sarah Ahiers said...

Man, time is FLYING! I can't believe you're so close to graduating!
And yay for puppy swims and yay for WIPs - FWIW, i'm working my way through my read through of ATR. It's picked up speed and once that's done, i'm going to fire it your way for some pre-revision thoughts.
Woo! Spring!!