Nothing too serious, don't be alarmed.
1. Thanks for all the lovely feedback on the new look and name! The overwhelming majority approves. Thank you!!
2. Please note that I changed my domain name to reflect the nom de plume. Admit it--the old one was really hard to type. Believe me, I thought it was too.
3. OMG, The Tudors!
**Spoiler alert***
Talk about killing your darlings!!
I've never actually done that. Killed off a main character. But I'd like to. What about you? Are you more the ICU type, or off with their head?
I thought once I would kill a major supporting character, but couldn't bring myself to do it. Still, if the story called for it...
I've found you through the magic of links. Like your blog! :)
Whoa! I miss one day and this is what happens!!!
I do like the new pen name and the new look.
That's probably why I've missed the post is because you changed the domain and I have it linked with my google reader. I shall remedy that.
Oh and yes, I just recently killed off a main character. Good thing I have a few. I did cry a little.
So off with their heads!!!! Oh yes!!!!! I am goddess of my world and I rule!!! :-) Take care
My sister in law is an artist, and as a wedding gift, she painted my husband and I as Henry and one of the wives. She assures me that it's one he didn't kill (obviously I'm not so good with the history thing). I think it was more of a commentary on her opinion of her brother. Still pretty funny.
I kill people all the time. (Maybe I should specify that "people" are characters...)
I find that I write a fair amount of tragedy -- which would probably stun people who read my blog (more goofy and "out there") -- so death comes with the territory.
I kill when necessary. If it isn't I don't like to.
Yeay for name approval!
I only kill the ones my muse tells me to. ;)
I haven't killed off a main character before..I don't know if I could!
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