oh, I filled it up, alright
Yesterday, I drank 128 oz of herbal tea, plus another 40 oz of water.
I'm gonna just come out and say this: 168 oz of anything translates into a lot of bathroom trips.
Really, there's nothing like frequent pee breaks to really cut into your writing stride.
Also, I'm aware that you can over-hydrate, but I'm okay right now, promise. I'll try to cut back tomorrow.
Total wordcount thusfar: 6,350
Great start! Imagine how it would have gone without those breaks! Keep it up.
Great job! I'm at just over 7k myself. I can feel the slowdown approaching, though...
Can't you just take a laptop to the toilet?
hah! That's like twice the amount you're supposed to get!
But i hear you. My water bottle holds 32 oz as well, and i'm like you. Once i drink a couple of those, then i'm off to the bathroom like every 2 minutes
LOL! Well, they say you're not supposed to sit at the computer for extended periods of time. This is one way to ensure you don't. ;)
Thank god you don't indulge in caffeinated teas...you'd be sprinting around even when you didn't have to pee. Good luck with today's writing!!
But while you were peeing, were you hit by any great ideas? I find they hit me while showering. :)
Pee breaks are good and highly recommended! :-)
Yay for over 6,000 words!!! Good for you! Take care
Wow, that is a LOT of liquid :) But it seems like your word count isn't suffering too much--congrats!!!
Yeay! Go progress!!
Maybe just Fill It Up half-way, Summer. Good luck today on NaNo. I predict you'll write awesome things.
No kidding. I'm sure all of that liquid did. Congrats on your progress!
Go Summer go! :) Sounds like you're doingg great, bladder aside.
Ok I have got to say it....Where did you get that mug?!?!?!?! I so love it! It's perfect type of mug for me. Images of it filled with coffee are dancing through my brain.
Good job with the progress. I am still playing catch up with mine. Keep up the good work!!!!
You're right about the bathroom trips! And you're probably all right - I drink 120oz or more every day.
If my calculations are correct, that's nearly 38 words per ounce! Whoa! Way to go.
So that's only 1,135 more ounces until you're done! Maybe you should just write in the bathroom. It might save you some time. :D
Oh my sweet Bejesus, I want that mug! Imagine the coffee I could consume with that monster.....
You should keep a notebook and pen in the bathroom, just in case an idea strikes you mid trip :P Screw hygienic conventions, there's a novel that needs writing, hehe.
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